Ruby in Kyanite

Expands awareness and intuition. Instills a passion for exploration of the spiritual realms. Increases courage and life force, providing the stamina needed to engage in arduous work


Helps one clearly articulate spiritual insights Links the mind and the heart, helping one be anchored in the wisdom of love when interpreting messages from the Divine. Promotes wholeness of self.


Encourages happiness, contentment, enthusiasm, affection, pleasure, and joy. Helps one see the fundamental goodness of the universe. Supports healthy habits and the breakage of self destructive patterns.

Apatite, Yellow

Helps one clarify what they want out of life Increases willpower and confidence. Provides assertiveness and charisma in social situations.

Ulexite (TV Rock)

Contains fibers that reflect light internally and magnify whatever the stone is placed over. Stone of clairvoyance, awakening one’s psychic abilities and allowing for remote viewing or predicting future events. Great for improving …

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Aids in amplification of one’s entire energy field. Activates the crown chakra, heightening awareness and helping the user to maintain physical consciousness. Supports the repair of energy blocks or holes in one’s auric …

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Sapphire – Blue (Blue Sapphire)

Stone of mental and psychic activation. Helps one see beyond superficiality and clearly articulate inner wisdom. Helps one organize ideas and perceptions and bring them into being.


Compared to antennas which attune to the frequency of the Divine. Excellent healing and manifestation stone and works faster in these processes than other crystals by blocking out any unnecessary interference, both from …

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Citrine – Heat-Treated

Enables one to be more assertive and outgoing. Dispels heaviness of emotion and allows one to see things in a more positive light. Helps one enforce boundaries with others.


A unique phenomenon that occurs when lightning strikes sand, silica, or soil. The material melts and cools in long tubes resembling the shape of the lightning. For this reason, it is also called …

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Libyan Desert Glass

Of undetermined origin, with scientists agreeing that it is a form of melted silica, but disagreeing on whether it resulted from a meteor collision (making it a form of tektite) or a nuclear …

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Activates the Light body, Excellent choice for astral travel and shamanic journeying Supreme stone of the third-eye chakra, and is recommended for use by intuitives and psychics.

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