
Helps one clearly articulate spiritual insights Links the mind and the heart, helping one be anchored in the wisdom of love when interpreting messages from the Divine. Promotes wholeness of self.


Facillitates the delivery of a product “on time”. Balances excesses of male energy. Helps one discover a “map of the heavens” which can help with determining a destination prior to and during astral …

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Rose Quartz

Stone of universal love. Emanates positive loving vibrations that soothe the heart and soul. Promotes compassion towards others and restores ones faith in the Divine.


Enhances self healing via visualization Increases one’s receptivity to messages from the spiritual world Helps with consistency and cutting through unfair criticism


Colorless beryl originally discovered locally in Goshen, MA! Stimulates the mental centers and enhances one’s ability to think logically. Enhances power of prayer and increases one’s loyalty to the truth.

Opal (all variations)

Opal (all) Amplifies traits and characteristics. Brings happy dreams, releases inhibitions and encourages memory. Can increase faithfulness and loyalty Common Opal Cleanses and rebalances the etheric body. Increases ones ability to earn and …

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Citrine – Heat-Treated

Enables one to be more assertive and outgoing. Dispels heaviness of emotion and allows one to see things in a more positive light. Helps one enforce boundaries with others.

Tourmaline (all colors)

Tourmaline (all) Assists with clearing, maintaining and stimulating the energy centers of the body. Strengthens willpower and protects the user in moments where they have ventured outside their comfort zone. Has been called …

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Works by opening one’s etheric body to increased levels of divine light, allowing for greater feelings of compassion and joy. Helps one express themselves openly and honestly. Can assist mediums and channels incontacting …

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Dissolves prejudice and encourages loving thought and action. Helps one gain greater knowledge of social patterns and structures in order to improve and heal the planet. Wonderful stone for self-actualization

Chiastolite (Cross Stone)

Traditionally used to ward off the “evil eye”. Symbolizes death and re-birth. Can be helpful during transitions.

Boji Stone

Found on the base of a natural pyramid mount in Kansas, the center of the continental USA. Typically used in pairs – a smoother stone which has Yin or female energy and is referred …

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