Stone of virtue which raises one’s own virtuousness in addition to that of the people around them. High intensity manifestation stone. Assists with regaining strength following a traumatic experience
Stone of virtue which raises one’s own virtuousness in addition to that of the people around them. High intensity manifestation stone. Assists with regaining strength following a traumatic experience
Expands awareness and intuition. Instills a passion for exploration of the spiritual realms. Increases courage and life force, providing the stamina needed to engage in arduous work
Seperated into two different types: elite shungite is composed of 30-50% carbon and is used more for carvings due to its shapability; Noble shungite is composed of 90% carbon, and is more metallic …
Among the first anthropods ever discovered, believed to have been prominent during the paleozoic era. Assists one in moving from the old to the new Supports innovation and enhances overall quality of life
Nicknamed “fairy crosses” and can be used to connect with nature spirits. Helps one link with the consciousness of unseen worlds. Aids in giving up self destructive habits and cleansing away negativity.
Allows one to draw upon the fiery energies of the Earth. Enhances intuition and releases trapped negativity. Opens inner doors of self discovery and activates one’s personal power.
Heightens intellect and promotes openness to learning Supports an objective pride in ones abilities, allowing for humility and respect of other’s contributions Heals the heart and aligns the chakras
Talisman of alchemical transformation Brings out one’s inner magician Heightens sensitivity to psychic energies
Opal (all) Amplifies traits and characteristics. Brings happy dreams, releases inhibitions and encourages memory. Can increase faithfulness and loyalty Common Opal Cleanses and rebalances the etheric body. Increases ones ability to earn and …
Black Obsidian/Apache Tear Relieves grief and sadness and assists in giving and accepting forgiveness. Releases negative emotions, and balances one’s emotional state. Excellent as a meditation tool, especially when used for clarifying issues …
Banded opal that contains inclusions of iron, manganese, and titanium. Promotes cohesion when working in a group. Grounding and re-energizing.