
Assists with interdimensional travel and enhances metaphysical abilities and sensitivity Cancels spells, repels negativity, and assists in detoxification of one’s life Calming and nurturing, engaging elemental energy to help one harmonize with nature


Connects one to future selves, allowing one to see the outcomes of their choices Protects against nightmares Helps one reclaim their power following traumatic experiences


Dispels selfishness, rudeness, stress, and pain Balances mood Promotes clear communication

K2 Stone

Granite with azurite inclusions found on the K2 mountain range, the second highest point in the world after Mt. Everest Allows one to see the “bigger picture” of their life experiences Opens the …

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Ruby in Kyanite

Expands awareness and intuition. Instills a passion for exploration of the spiritual realms. Increases courage and life force, providing the stamina needed to engage in arduous work


Helps one clearly articulate spiritual insights Links the mind and the heart, helping one be anchored in the wisdom of love when interpreting messages from the Divine. Promotes wholeness of self.


Combines the energies of the third eye with the throat chakra. Helps one understand messages from other realms with increased clarity and proficiency. Assists with reshaping one’s physical reality.

Merlinite, Mystic (Indigo Gabbro)

Increases sensitivity to spiritual forces Harmonizes Light and Shadow sides of self Helps one reclaim exiled parts of the soul without judgement.


Helps one to “bear the load” and advance toward solutions to problems Brings clarity to communication and truth to self expression Encourages exploration into the unknown

Sapphire – Blue (Blue Sapphire)

Stone of mental and psychic activation. Helps one see beyond superficiality and clearly articulate inner wisdom. Helps one organize ideas and perceptions and bring them into being.

Obsidian (all variations)

Black Obsidian/Apache Tear Relieves grief and sadness and assists in giving and accepting forgiveness. Releases negative emotions, and balances one’s emotional state. Excellent as a meditation tool, especially when used for clarifying issues …

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Aragonite – Blue

Excellent tool for those trying to recover from addiction, as it enhances positive emotional states and helps relieve past traumas that drive addicts towards their vice of choice. Stabilizes the user and helps …

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