Calcite (All variations)
Clear Calcite (Icelandic Spar)
- Amplifies intent, helping to bring it into the physical world.
- Helps one clearly see the root of problems.
- Assists with forgiveness and resolving contradictions in one’s life.
Blue Calcite
- Enhances the ability to communicate one’s inner truth.
- Heightens inner visionary experiences.
- Stimulates the throat and third eye chakras.
Dog’s Tooth Calcite
- Helps one connect to higher guides to understand their life’s purpose.
- Centering, allowing one to clearly ‘hear’ the answer.
- Aids learning and is a favorite stone of students.
Green Calcite
- Works with the Heart Chakra
- Brings emotional balance and a knowledge of Divine Love.
- Helps one to look at situations differently, with the knowledge that, whether good or bad, “this too shall pass”.
Honey Calcite
- Believed to be able to help one relax and recharge one’s energies, both physical and spiritual.
- Said to aid in tasks requiring organized thinking and planning.
- Helps manifest dreams.
Orange Calcite
- Activates the 2nd chakra, enhancing sexual energies, as well as one’s creative abilities.
- Beneficial to one’s physical energies.
- Facilitates a state of increased vitality & a strong sense of purpose.
Pink Calcite
- Clears past trauma from the emotional body.
- Excellent for all aspects of emotional healing.
- Radiates love and compassion and helps one act from the truth of their heart.
Pink Mangano Calcite
- Increases empathy.
- Dispels arguments and stubbornness in oneself and others
- Great for resolving issues between parents and children.
Red Calcite
- Stone of soft vitality, energizing the user in subtle ways
- Brings one into the physical body and raises sensory awareness
- Helps one commit to lifestyle changes
Yellow Calcite
- Enhances one’s will and self confidence
- Recommended for anger management as it soothes passionate feelings that can lead to violence
- Provides a sense of new hope and optimism for the future
- air, all chakras, blue, cancer, Crystals Guide, fire, green, orange, pink, red, white/clear, yellow