
Facillitates the delivery of a product “on time”. Balances excesses of male energy. Helps one discover a “map of the heavens” which can help with determining a destination prior to and during astral …

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Promotes thinking outside the box and embracing unconventional solutions to problems. Enhances mental energies and increases the frequency of “A-ha!” moments. Helps one attune to the frequency of the future, making it a …

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Produces strong will Assists in endeavors requiring bravery and courage Enhances worldly abilities

Bumble Bee Jasper

Combination of orpiment, hematite, anhydrite, and sulfur. Stimulates the sacral and solar plexus chakras. Allows for improved self-esteem and confidence in decision making.

Apatite, Yellow

Helps one clarify what they want out of life Increases willpower and confidence. Provides assertiveness and charisma in social situations.


Great for artists and writers who need help bringing their projects to fruition. Activates the solar plexus chakra. Gives one the confidence, strength, and clarity necessary to manifest their ideas in the physical …

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Resonates with the crown, third eye and solar plexus chakras, allowing for greater intuitive abilities and improved confidence in those abilities. Helps one address conflict with their guides Promotes compassionate and honest communication …

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Calligraphy Stone

Fossilized shell containing hematite and iron. Great for connection to higher planes of existence, particularly the Akashic records or angelic realms. Helps with channeling, particular through automatic writing.


Aids in amplification of one’s entire energy field. Activates the crown chakra, heightening awareness and helping the user to maintain physical consciousness. Supports the repair of energy blocks or holes in one’s auric …

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Healer’s Gold

Combination of pyrite and magnetite Source of life force energy and can be used on any or all of the chakras to balance the flow of energy in one’s etheric field. Acts as …

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Opal (all variations)

Opal (all) Amplifies traits and characteristics. Brings happy dreams, releases inhibitions and encourages memory. Can increase faithfulness and loyalty Common Opal Cleanses and rebalances the etheric body. Increases ones ability to earn and …

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Obsidian (all variations)

Black Obsidian/Apache Tear Relieves grief and sadness and assists in giving and accepting forgiveness. Releases negative emotions, and balances one’s emotional state. Excellent as a meditation tool, especially when used for clarifying issues …

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