Ruby in Kyanite

Expands awareness and intuition. Instills a passion for exploration of the spiritual realms. Increases courage and life force, providing the stamina needed to engage in arduous work


Talisman of alchemical transformation Brings out one’s inner magician Heightens sensitivity to psychic energies

Ruby in Granite

Combines the protective grounding energies of granite with the root chakra balancing effect of ruby to offer a powerful stone for relationship work and development of personal power. Cultivates discernment while bringing awareness …

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Good stone for those who have a lot of work to do and need help staying on task. Activates the lower three chakras, promoting endurance, persistence, and power. This makes it ideal for …

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Compared to antennas which attune to the frequency of the Divine. Excellent healing and manifestation stone and works faster in these processes than other crystals by blocking out any unnecessary interference, both from …

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Aventurine – Red

Stone of vitality. Assists with perseverance, helping one push through difficult periods and giving them the strength to get things done. Improves confidence and may help with various forms of sexual dysfunction.


Heals issues related to a lack of grounding. Attracts that which one needs to survive. Alleviates worries over situations that are out of one’s control.

Ruby – Star

Pure expression of Divine light. Effective in treating sexual dysfunction as well as enhancing tantric work. Helps ground anxieties related to the trauma and dissipates them


Helps integrate one’s connection with spirit into the physical world, or rather, it reminds the user that Heaven is already on earth, and reveals the embodiments of the Divine in everyday life. Improves …

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Calcite (All variations)

Clear Calcite (Icelandic Spar) Amplifies intent, helping to bring it into the physical world. Helps one clearly see the root of problems. Assists with forgiveness and resolving contradictions in one’s life. Blue Calcite …

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Useful in promoting group efforts. Effectively moves energy. Provides for the synthesis of personal power, physical energy, and creativity, producing a stimulation of the electric currents within the body and facilitating the removal …

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Tiger’s Eye – Red

Supports willpower and raises self esteem. Increases passion and motivation to succeed. Helps one ground their ideas in the physical realm.

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